Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Today, I was driving home with my riding companion chewing away at the normal fat when I thought about how it was this time last year I decided to apply to teach in Abu Dhabi.  I remember sitting on the "infamous green couch", with my laptop in my lap, and my fingers on the keyboard.  I simply remember thinking, "Why not?"  At that moment, I began typing in my information and uploading my resume to Teachaway.  I didn't take it seriously at all.  In fact, I pretty much knew something would be wrong about it and I would just let it go like everything else.  But yet, there was something inside said that this was going to be different.  And boy, was it.  As I sit here in my apartment, listening to the maid cleaning my kitchen...yes I SAID MAID CLEANING MY KITCHEN...and watching the Arabic language commercials on TV, I smile to myself knowing that that girl that uploaded that resume is far away.  That girl thought she knew a lot, only to find she knew very little.  That girl thought she had figured out who she was but found that she was a lot stronger than she thought.  I'm proud to say that that girl did a little bit of fact, a LOT of growing within a few months.  Today, I was driving to work and I drove past some camels that were just grazing in a field.  I was in awe...not at the camels...but that I was so lucky to experience a place where I would see things that I would never see otherwise.  I felt blessed and honored to be able to experience this.  This afternoon as I got ready to go home, one of my sweet 3rd graders came in from the field trip.  I was unable to go this time so with her ever inquisitive mind, she asked, "Miss, why you no come on field trip today?"  I smiled and explained that I was unable to go this time.  She smiled and proceeded to show me her "jeweled oil lamps" that she bought from the mosque.  It was such a sweet moment with her because it was just the two of us sharing a moment together.  I've come a longggg way since August, and I will continue.....

Until next time, yall........

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Guess who's back.....

"If you live to fight again"  Cee Lo from Goodie Mob

Yes, yes, YES, it has been quite a while since I have written.  Not because I didn't want to but because I was afraid of what I may write.  Haha!  I can laugh now but October and November...well mostly October was a whirlwind of emotion!  First of all, I had to be evacuated from my 1st apartment because of a sinkhole, lived in a 5 star hotel for a month without access to my things at my old apartment because it was technically condemned, and not to mention the adjustments I was making at school.  I literally felt for a while like I was at my breaking point, but that same quiet voice that told me to leave the familiar behind was telling me....keep going, I got you...things are going to get better because I deemed it so...  So........I kept going waking up every morning with the feelings of doubt, failure, and insecurity but I kept going.  Around November, I moved into my nice highrise apartment and things finally began to settle.  The students in my classes began to call me Ms. Adria instead of Miss Miss and a smile began to sneak out every once in a while. 

Tonight, while working out and thinking of home, the song containing this blog's title played, and I began to smile.  Today is one day, and tomorrow is one everyday knowing the battle has already been won......

Ok.....on a side note....I will charge my camera battery so I can take pics...they are coming soon!!  So since I don't have pics....I am going to share some of my favorite quotes from my board on Pinterest that keeps me going during the peaceful and stressful times of this adventure!

Do more of what makes you awesome.          Believe this 100%

Words of wisdom.                Believe in yourself...

.      needed this reminder...

better                      Every. Day.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The grass is still grass...even on the other side

A salaamu aleikum! 

Well, I am finally back in the real world after a few days of limbo!  No internet can make  for a sad Adria!  Well anyway, it's 11 pm at night here in lovely and very humid Abu Dhabi so this post is NOT going to be a lengthy let's begin

September 9th...a day I will NEVER forget!  It was the first day of school and I would be meeting my 3rd and 5th grade girls for the first time.  I must say with every fiber (or fibre as it is spelled here) of my being that I have never had a first day like this one.  Not to sound like it was bad but it was just different.  Normally, my students would come in, somewhat timid and quiet, and quickly complete any task that I had.  Today, I was greeted with foreign tongues and student saying, "Miss, miss"  My name is not Ms. Dula it's Miss Adria or Audrrreeea here. I was greeted with candy from some and a few "las" from others. (La means "no" in Arabic).  Fast forward to Wednesday evening, where I am completely tired with no living room furniture as I had to send it back due to being "too large" for the elevators in my building and having to practically beg for a technician to install the internet.

All in all, I will say that this journey is a process, one that will better me as an educator and overall person.  I have truly seen some beautiful things but I also see have begun to appreciate more of what I left behind.  They say the grass is greener on the other side, but sometimes, the grass is just grass.  Be blessed you all!  


Monday, August 20, 2012

Dubai and all it's riches...

Well I am sure those of you who are reading my blog are wondering why it takes so long between posts...well I don't know why it takes so long, but trust that they are where should I begin this week..

Well despite staying in my hotel for an entire week and a half, I am managing to stay sane.  Even a 5 star hotel stay has it's expiration date.  However, I am far from complaining because these are the DAYS to soak in the peace, great service, and overall splendor of staying within a 5 star hotel.  I have sat by the pool and taken advantage of the wonderful gym.  I wake up every morning to a hot, free breakfast...what else would I want?  Reality...  The fact that I was not brought and paid to come here to vacation...I was brought here to provide quality education to Emirati children in Abu Dhabi.  I am ever so grateful for the warm welcome from the company I work for and Abu Dhabi, but I am curious about what my job will bring me in the near future.

But enough of the seriousness, let's talk Dubai! 

Oh Dubai!  Oh the beauty...Oh the MONEY!  This place oozzzzzeess money.  It's felt in the landscape, the roads, the people, and even in the hot, humid air.  What a beautiful place!  Everything is shiny and new...including the people.  I felt like money there....even though I have very little...especially after a day in there.  I walked through Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel feeling like I belonged in those materialistic alarm system in overdrive.  I picked up Gucci sunglasses and I felt that they were just mere trinkets to add to my collection.  A LV bag is just a staple to my everyday wardrobe....oh and well indulgence.  Can you believe I would think such things...a mere teacher who has lived on a teacher's budget (and sometimes a meager one at that)?  But Dubai has that effect for those of us who dream of that kind of life.  So tonight, I returned to my room where there are clothes lying on the balcony to dry and I put away the pair of Adidas that I have owned for 4 years, but I promise you this.....I will dream a good dream!

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Whole New Worrrllldd..(Aladdin song)

So, I'm here and the true adventure can do I begin.  I will begin a few days before I left...

Because I'm a nerd and I have never gone, I requested to go to Tweetsie Railroad and so, my aunt, Isaiah, and I have a great day at Tweetsie!
Don't you love my face holding popcorn!  Isaiah was scared of the manequin man in the other part!

 Tried to get a good pic with my camera.

On the train!

So, then it was time to pack and this is what it looked like at 3 am on August 8th...

On the way to Abu Dhabi...

So, of course, I didn't take any pics because I thought my camera was broken so most of this part will be my thoughts during the trip.

On the 9th, I woke up with the biggest knots in my stomach that I ever had.  I was so pent up with adrenaline that I couldn't eat drink, my mind was on "drive".  My mom asked me if I wanted to take a pumice stone with me and we both broke down into tears.  I needed it though because crying made me physically feel better!  I don't think I had ever been that "scared" in my life!  As I packed, all I could think of was, "I CAN'T leave anything behind because there will be no getting it later"  I just wanted to be strong but that is really hard to do.  Of course, I teared up a few more times before it was all said and done but I was surprised how much I didn't cry until...but I will get to that later. 

So onto Chicago!  I met some more of the EMTs and many of them were just like me.  Stress level went down even more. Onto Etihad!  The flight wasn't that bad!!  I slept mostly, watched Hunger Games and The Vow for free.  View wasn't very good but I didn't care.  As we landed in AD, I saw the buildings, sand, and overall "flatness" of my new home.  All of a sudden, I burst into tears..not for sadness but exhiliration!  I was HERE!  Months of waiting, making the decisions, and saying goodbyes came down to this!  I could hear God saying, "This is your time! You are going to be fine!  I got this!"  I found myself praising God and thanking him for His goodness.  I had made it this far and I knew I was going even farther!


First of all, it gets dark here at like 7 and it feels like a sauna.  It's WARM and humid.  My hair turned into the Wildebeast very quickly!  I met some really great girls and we connected quickly.  It's Ramadan so the malls and stores are open super late because everything is closed during the day.  So at 12 am, there are families in the mall just eating and shopping like it's 5 pm.  We exchanged our monies which is an experience (not bad though). I was trying to hide my money as I normally do but I remembered I was in one of the safest countries in the world.  I still will hide my monies though..don't care where I am.  Off we went shopping!  I have to say that it felt odd being there but I got more comfortable.  I hade beef pepperoni pizza!  It was good. 

The next day, I went to breakfast, met a very handsome trainer who showed us the gym, and worked are some pics.
My Hotel

 106 degrees outside!

The waterfront


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I think it's bees...not butterflies!

I have been having some panic episodes lately...not extreme but some of those "wake up thinking and contemplating what the heck I just got myself into" kind of episodes.  Even though I am a little afraid, I often hear God speak to me in ways that I didn't expect.  The other morning, I turned on the TV and my favorite lady, Joyce Meyer was in the middle of her sermon and she quoted my absolute favorite verse, "For God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of sound mind"  After that she just quoted all the verses that deal with fear and I quoted them with her.  Another way I heard God speak was through general posts I read on Facebook...a young lady quoted "Where you go, God will be with you there" and "God has an excellent plan and you have to "be still and quiet" to hear it".  I know I have lots of humor in my conversations and sometimes a few "choice" words slip out a time or two but I have always remained spiritual and cognizant of my Southern religious roots and right now, I am hanging onto them dearly.  Now don't get me wrong, I am very, and continue to be, excited about my upcoming venture, but I am seeing the "realness" of it everyday.  To those who are reading this blog, if you are facing a decision that might impact your life, career, relationships etc., I hope that my words can show you that you are not the first nor the last to face this challenge.  It has been hard and as "doors begin to close", I have found that it's more of a bittersweet feeling than exhiliration.  I think the hardest decisions can be the ones we choose ourselves.  They are the ones where you are in a "safe and predictable" place in life but you choose expand yourself because you know it's right.  Believe that God doesn't let anything happen that you will not be able to handle.  He never promised it would be easy, fun, or any of those things but he promises strength and His grace to follow along our journeys.  Maybe I am not writing this to inspire anyone else right now but to inspire me.  I need to hear God more than ever these days!  Please continue to keep me, my family, and my friends in your thoughts and prayers.

The countdown begins...6 weeks until August!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Favorite colors

Soooo yesterday I told my homeroom about leaving for Abu Dhabi and today, I decided to tell my first block students.  As expected, some of the homeroom kids in my first block blabbed the secret but that made first block students want to know even more.  After I showed the powerpoint, one of my "too grown" girls came up to me and asked me what my favorite colors were.  I was busily and frantically looking for some documents at the table.  In true Ms. Dula form I replied, "Get on away from here...I tell you about that later.  I can't do everything all at the same time".  For those that may not know my style, you may think that is harsh, but my students have learned my codes very well.  She knew I didn't mean anything by it so she smiled and got ready to go back to homeroom.  As she walked away, she said, "I'm gonna find out your favorite colors, Ms. Dula". 

Fast forward to the afternoon.  After a day of, "Be quiet", "I'm gonna write some names down", and "Put your heads down because my patience is gone", I happened to be looking at my desk.  On it, amongst documents and to be graded work, I found an oddly shaped, hand made envelope addressed to me.  Now, you see, this is not the first letter I have received like this, and most of the time, it is proclaiming some child's innocence after I had falsely accused them of something or a mushy "You're the best teacher in the whole wide world" note..hmmmph.  So...I open it up, expecting the usual, except this time it wasn't.  In fact, it was one of the sweetest notes I have ever received.  I must say that I cringed a little at the capitalization and punctuation (writing teachers do it the best :), but I felt happy and very loved.  My favorite line was "Do what your heart tells you to do".  I couldn't have said it better.  SN:  She wrote at the end that she already "knew" what my favorite colors were.